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Astral Verse

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The description of Astral Verse

Welcome to your own Astral Verse!
The legendary epic theme MMORPG with fantasy epic scene. We will come to an astral continent with bloody fighting , where human beings are definitely not the only master, all kinds of vicious monsters scattered in this continent, affecting human life. We need you ! Warriors! Come on and be unstoppable.

Three kinds of jobs for your choice. Once the character get enough level it can also be transferred to get more powerful exclusive skills. Astral Verse has different styles of character settings, so that every player can find their favorite hero to experience.

Equipment system
Equipment can be refined, Upgrade, as well as players can build their own equipment through equipment drawings. Equipment can also advance, decomposition.

Astral Verse

Pet system
Obtain different grades of pets, features include, upgradeable, advanced, skills.

Astral Verse

Wing system
Wearing different wings will give the character with different personality display, different attributes add effect, while the wings can be upgraded, upgrade can be personalized plus attribute points. You can also add the spirit, which can reach up to 9 stars perfect.

Astral Verse

Riding system
Obtain a certain amount of riding blood, can be transformed into a mount, riding can bring attribute stakes to the character. It can move faster, can be trained by feeding, with exclusive riding skills. The magic core can also be activated after level 60, providing more incredible buff.

Astral Verse
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