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Clash of Galaxy: Infinite Warfare

Official Launch+Apk

💡Platform – Android

The description of Clash of Galaxy (by DOCOOL LIMITED)

Build an epic spaceship designed by yourself.
Many games, aliens, and various factions are waiting for your command and conquest.
Fight to the end with other real players in a huge universe.
Manage diplomacy, recruitment, research, exploration!
Control the ability of the spacecraft and restricted resources. Explore epic weapons.
Build and deploy support boats to enhance your spacecraft.
Frontal overall spaceship control and combat.
Endless Galaxy waiting for exploring
Form an alliance and fight side by side with your friends to win!
Program the situational AI commands for the system and the entire crew of the spacecraft, allowing automatic battles and offline games.

Clash of Galaxy: Infinite Warfare
Clash of Galaxy: Infinite Warfare
Clash of Galaxy: Infinite Warfare
Clash of Galaxy: Infinite Warfare
Clash of Galaxy: Infinite Warfare
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