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Cyber ​​War(Dark Prison – Future against Virus)

Official Launch

💡Platform – Android

The description of Cyber ​​War (by Latersoft)

We are sad to announce that Dark Prison server will be shut-down in coming 13 June. This is a tough and difficult decision. However, the game cannot maintain its running cost and our team can’t support the server cost anymore.

Cyber ​​War(Dark Prison - Future against Virus)

To compensate, for those who have purchased items in Cyber Prison, they can contact for promo code in a new game – Cyber War: Cyberpunk Reborn – which is an offline version of Cyber Prison.

Cyber ​​War(Dark Prison - Future against Virus)
Cyber ​​War(Dark Prison - Future against Virus)

We strongly recommend downloading and trying the new offline ARPG Cyber War. Thanks again for your support!

Cyber ​​War(Dark Prison - Future against Virus)
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