APKNew GamesOfficial LaunchRole Playing

Lords Hooray: Island Rush

Official Launch+Apk

The description of Lords Hooray: Island Rush

Hooray! Hooray!
My islands will always be mine!

When those island robbers come to touch my islands, don’t worry, my people. We have heroes under my command who will lead their men to protect our islands. When the foes are defeated, let’s yell “Hooray”!

Lords Hooray: Island Rush

Game Features

Real-Time Strategy Roguelite Gameplay
Deploy different arms to proper locations according to your foes’ attack directions, mobilize your troops to the right place and at the right time and try your best to keep your hero commanders alive, don’t forget to do the soldier replenishment or withdraw your troops in time!

Lords Hooray: Island Rush

Commanders with Their Unique Specialities
Different commanders have different basic skills, which may affect the ending of the battles, so remember to choose the right commanders and form your defense teams accordingly in a battle. Don’t forget to upgrade your heroes.

Lords Hooray: Island Rush

Make Good Use of Items And Akills in Combats
Bomb, mine, horn, warhammer…arming your commanders with proper weapons and items and using these items or release skills at the right time om a battle will make it easier to win.

Offline Benefits
The islands that you have saved will create benefits, so you will get extra Gold Coins without playing in your game.

Lords Hooray: Island Rush

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