APKNew GamesOfficial LaunchOffline GamesPuzzle

Mr. Volta

Official Launch+Apk

💡Platform – Android

The description of Mr. Volta (by Alkacom)

You can take a break and relax in Mr. Volta’s peaceful mazes. Place a battery in the right trigger to spread energy and unlock the next maze.

The rules are simple: Batteries, triggers, and electricity are the main items used to solve the mazes. You must find a path and move a battery to a trigger to provide enough energy to send Mr. Volta into the next maze.

You will face more challenging puzzles and new gameplay elements as you progress, such as elevators that you will have to push down. Teleporters are another big part of some of the mazes. They can be used to teleport all items on a level.

There are 150 relaxing handcrafted levels in a peaceful, calm, and relaxing environment.

Mr. Volta

Tap to move and swipe to push a battery.

A battery can generate a magnetic field and stick to other batteries.

Mr. Volta

Enjoy the calm ambience of the game and escape for a while.

People who love calm and relaxing games will find that this one strikes a balance between reflection and relaxation.
Go relax in these beautiful mazes!

Mr. Volta
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