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Rise of Cultures

Official Launch(Global)+Apk

💡Platform – Android | ios

The description of Rise of Cultures (by InnoGames)

Do you want to experience mankind’s history firsthand?
Rise of Cultures awaits!

Rise of Cultures

Build epic cities and explore a variety of cultures. Find the best strategy to rule your lands. Progress through the game and dive into the well-known cultures of mankind.

Rise of Cultures

Fight strategic battles side by side with Caesar. Discover traditions of the mysterious Egypt together with Cleopatra. Research new technologies with Einstein and use science to advance your city.

Rise of Cultures


Expand your empire: BUILD multiple cities with different civilizations!
Unlock different CULTURES and write your own history!

Rise of Cultures

RESEARCH new technologies! Science is key to progress faster.
If you like to compete, FIGHT to strengthen your empire!
Join an ALLIANCE: Work on the best strategy to become stronger together!

EXPLORE new territories! Travel through the world map and expand your lands.
If you’d rather keep it friendly, TRADE goods with neighbors!

Rise of Cultures
Morroc & Bean
YouTube player

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