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Spirit Beast of the East

Official Launch(Global Eng)+Apk

💡Platform – Android | ios

The description of Spirit Beast of the East (by Modo Global)

This is not an RPG game! ” Spirit Beast of The East” is a mobile game based on the ancient world beast cultivation which is developed by Modo Global.

Spirit Beast of the East

Wandering around ancient world, you can not only seal the fierce beast, devour exotic beast, subdue 9-Headed Dragon and the auspicious beast Kirin, and also experience the myths and legends such as Houyi shooting the suns and the mythical bird Jingwei trying to fill up the sea.

Spirit Beast of the East

When you travel in the Heaven Realm, you will also encounter Chang’e, Universe Weaver, Empyrean Fairy and other goddess, love at first sight, and holding hands through the Supercontinent.

Spirit Beast of the East
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