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Summoner’s Battle 2048 (Global)

Official Launch(Now on ios)+Apk

💡Platform – Android | Ios

The description of Summoner’s Battle 2048

“Help! Summoner!

All the animals in this world are cursed by evil summoners!
Demon summoners are killing animals and making red-eyed monsters from the stolen soul!

Summoner's Battle 2048

Originally, the souls of dead animals must be scattered into this world to become flowers, trees, and animals again …
If the animal soul dies out in this world, it will perish!

You have the ability to collect scattered souls.
Synthesize the collected souls and summon it as a purified soul.
Just push and merge like a 2048 game.

Upgrade summoners to face stronger enemies!
character! The fate of the world is now at your fingertips!

Summoner's Battle 2048
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