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Over Eclipse (JP)


💡Platform – Android

The description of Over Eclipse (オーバーエクリプス) by Appirits

Distribution of Over Eclipse is scheduled for early summer 2021.
This work is an open-world role-playing game that cleans a devastated world against the wonders of a virus called Hoshisuna.

Planet Voice
Dirty world full of hosina


Hoshisna syndrome destroys all living things
People are threatened by the fear of losing their minds and becoming hospitable.


Purifier (Summoner)
The only creature with the power to cleanse Hoshisuna


They are not heroes
They are not praised


The unclean person who pays the unclean

Still they keep on cleaning
For the meaning of my existence

The “Guardian (Etranze)” who takes over the command of “Hoshibito” destroyed by “Hoshisuna” signs the contract and accompanies the journey of the “Purifier (Invoker)”.

Main Character (CV: Mayu Kimura)
An aspiring purifier, he traveled outside Midgard for the first time.
I was afraid of people’s eyes and could only live in the shadows,
Clear the dirty ground to pursue “this man.”

Rigel (CV: Hikaru Midorikawa)
Senior hero. An excellent and highly trusted cleaner.
He seems to be doing his job in a straightforward manner, but inside he has the faith of a purifier.
Strict guidance to the hero is also a sign of responsibility.

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