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Age of Conquerors

Official Launch+Apk

The description of Age of Conquerors

Age of Conquerors is a single-player civilization building strategy game. You are the leader of a civilization, and are tasked with establishing, leading, and expanding your nation to dominate the world.

Age of Conquerors

Wage wars, conduct diplomacy, develop culture and technology, and create infrastructure as you lock horns with the greatest military leaders in history!

Age of Conquerors

Build your Civilization
Construct buildings anywhere you like on the world map. There are no restrictions!
Mix and match building expansions to create the best stat combinations.
Design your City freely with many interior design options available.

Age of Conquerors

Free Combat
Move your army across the map freely, and lay siege upon enemy civilizations with long-range weapons.
Manage your troops efficiently on mobile devices with the new Merge feature.
Adapt to the ever-changing battlefield by switching formations, anytime, anywhere.

Develop your Culture
Customize your City’s cultural growth by switching between the Tech of different civilizations with the Tech Tree system.
Create your own culture by acquiring and integrating foreign cultures.

Age of Conquerors
Morroc & Bean
YouTube player

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