APKNew GamesOfficial LaunchOffline GamesSimulation

Billions – Trader story (Rus)

Official Launch Google Play+Apk

The description of Billions – Trader story

Our simulation game is a safe and entertaining way to check if you can make money on a live exchange.

It will introduce you to the financial market and you will gain basic trading skills by playing on a real exchange. The game is ideal for both novice traders and casual players who want to have fun.

You can try on the role of a trader, learn the nuances and rules of trading in a fun way. See how you can make a fortune with the push of just two buttons without harming your wallet.

Billions - Trader story
Billions - Trader story
Billions - Trader story
Billions - Trader story
Billions - Trader story

Game features:
– a real chart from Bloomberg, the world’s # 1 financial information provider !;
– acquisition of real trading skills on the stock exchange;
– training and advice on trading strategies;
– the development of your character to the envy of others;
– competitions with live players;
– collecting collections and getting achievements!

Our simulation game will be useful for those who want to learn how to make money, but are not yet confident in their abilities. It will show you how easy and fast traders can make millions with just two buttons!

Billions - Trader story

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