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Gangs of Glory

Official Launch Google Play+Apk

The description of Gangs of Glory

As a free simulation strategy game, Gangs of Glory offers an exclusive experience of classical American gang life.

Being the leader of the Gabriel family, you need to revive your family step by step by running gangs, taking revenge on your enemies, and eventually uniting gangs.

Gangs of Glory

– Reveal the truth of the family
As the successor of the Gabriel family, you need to keep a low profile and build up a new gang after being framed for the murder of your father. Who murdered your father? Are there other conspiracies? Take your power back with strategies and political ways while you figure all these things out and unite the other five families.

Gangs of Glory

– Recruit talented capos
As the boss of the gang, you have different capos at your command. With every capo’s unique skills, you need to develop and make good use of them to you advantage in order to fight against other families and win the ultimate glory.

Gangs of Glory

– Meet beauties and raise children
Don’t forget to visit the downtown as some charming beauties are waiting for you. You may encounter different girls in different areas. Develop relationships with them and have them bear lovely children for you! You can then train and foster your children so that they can contribute to your gang!

– Forge alliance to unite gangs
Being in an environment that is full of betrayals and dangers, gangs are seeking cooperation for their development. Forge an alliance with other powerful gangs and work together to conquer other alliance forces.

Gangs of Glory
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