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Mini DayZ 2

Official Launch+Apk

💡Platform – Android | ios

The description of Mini DayZ 2 (by Bohemia Interactive a.s.)

A deadly virus plagues the world.
Animals are running wild. People are running wilder.
Civilization has collapsed and the end times are here.
Only you can help humanity.

Here’s how:
– Meet fellow survivors and become their fearless leader
– Develop a base of operations and build a community
– Forage for food and resources to help you survive
– Stay healthy by monitoring health, morale, and infection levels
– Embark on raids to obtain supplies and upgrade your base
– Grow plants as you battle the elements and tame the wilderness
– Unlock blueprints to create makeshift weapons and protective gear

There are thousands of maps to explore, each with its own unique challenges and threats.

Mini DayZ 2
Mini DayZ 2
Mini DayZ 2
Mini DayZ 2
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