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Idle Mythos (ENG)

Official Launch +Apk

The description of Idle Mythos (放置傳說-3DRPG掛機)

This game is an AFK RPG game. While cultivating characters and fighting against Boss, enjoy huge benefits of offline afk!

Game Features

Mythos Style
Various styles of heroes such as ancient European gods, mysterious Egyptian mythology, etc. in the game.

Idle Mythos

Hero Training
Upgrade outfits and skills, make low-level heroes stronger!

Idle Mythos

AFK Loot
Afk mode for auto battles, easily obtain high profits and resources, while you can work and relax!

Various Advanture Mode
Magic lamp, endless abyss, twelve star palace, BOSS challenge …

Simple Strategy
Just swipe your fingertips, victory comes!

Idle Mythos
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