APKNew GamesOfficial LaunchSimulationYouTube Gameplay

Lost Survivors

Official Launch(IOS)+Apk

💡Platform – Android | IOS

The description of Lost Survivors (InnoGames)

Welcome to the world of Lost Survivors!

It is up to you to turn a tropical island into your new home.
Take the chance to inhabit a wild piece of nature and make it comfortable for unique characters and exotic animals as you rescue them along the way.

A gorgeous island awaits you!

Lost Survivors

BUILD your island.
Start from scratch, expand, and upgrade your camp as you progress through the game.

Lost Survivors

EXPLORE a magnificent world.
Start expeditions and discover new areas around your island.

Lost Survivors

RESCUE all survivors & exotic animals.
Create a community of survivors and lovely animals – they can all support you in creating a better home!

Lost Survivors

GATHER resources & CRAFT goods.
Send your workers around the camp and they will not come back empty handed! The tropical jungle can provide you with all the needed materials.

Connect with FRIENDS.
Join a guild. Together you are stronger!

Lost Survivors
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